Are You Ready To Unlock Unlimited Financial Abundance Energy?

Do you every feel that no matter what you try you can't reach abundance?

You earn more money, but then you get more expenses.

You worry about not having enough money. You can't get ahead and are frustrated.

Did you know that worry energy creates more lack, more expenses and less abundance?

Do you often wonder what is blocking you from achieving abundance because it seems like nothing ever works?

You so desperately want to feel ease and less worry. You want to feel comfort and stability.

Hi, my name is Kristine

I know how you feel because not too long ago I was feeling the exact same way.

The last two years were really hard on me. I had a lot of loss and grief. Because my energy was so off it effected me financially.

My business was the same as it was, but because of a change in my energy I manifested more and more expenses and couldn’t get ahead no matter what I tried. My energy literally manifested the worst.

I teach manifesting and this energy even effected me.

Manifesting is 80% energy and 20% actions so when your energy is off it can cause a huge issue no matter what actions you are taking.

So out of desperation I started channeling information, energy work, and new coding from my guides to help me get back on track financially. I was able to release past blocks that were getting in my way.

This changed everything for me.

Originally, this information was only to be for myself.

However, because of my struggles and how I was able to overcome these, I feel confident that I can share this with you.

Now, I am actually grateful for my struggles. I now see the true meaning of them!

It was so freeing…

…to know that by simply fixing my energy, this created a complete turn around in my business and my financial abundance.

Magical Information & Energy Work

The plan was to place all of these items into one large course.

However, I felt called to release this information NOW rather than later as I record them.

It feels pressing because there are others out there also in desperate need of this information and clearing. I am also always channeling and learning new things so this way I can just keep adding more and more!

Therefore, I am releasing this experience now at a RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE.

I will be adding more and raising the price soon. When you buy now you get this for the lifetime of the program and I am going to keep adding so much more to it! So if you get in now you will get it all for this crazy low price.

Right now there is way more value already than I’m charging and I will keep adding more! I want this to be a no brainer so you can change your financial life too!

Please email me with your financial success stories from this program I’m so excited to hear them all!

It’s important to know that the energetics are more important than the action.

You need action, of course, but if your energetics are wrong it doesn't matter what you do.

These are to help the energetics running in the background you probably don’t even know are there.

These videos, audios, notes etc. are going to help you with your energy…

…so that you can change your energetics.

This then helps you with your action towards financial abundance.

There are clearings, energy work, and so much more!

These work for wherever you are right now.

you can also use them again for your next uplevel.

You can use them as little or as much as you’d like.

Ready to get started?

For a limited time…

Click below to order your financial abundance energy clearings at this very LOW introductory offer.