Are walls keeping love out? 

I find so many clients that put up walls to protect themselves after being hurt. It is a natural reaction.

Unfortunately especially when it comes to love, those walls only ever protect you from love and not what you are trying to protect yourself from.

It causes you to attract guarded people and becomes a vicious cycle of getting hurt over and over.

It actually causes you to attract what you were trying to avoid in the first place. 

The walls you put up to protect yourself are causing you the most hurt of all.

This is one of the many things that sends out the wrong love signal and becomes a long cycle of attracting wrong partners and more hurt over and over. 

I don't want you to continue wasting time in that cycle! I can help!

Let me help you stand in your power and not need the walls in the first place so you can attract a real love.

Let me help you send out the right love signal and stop that cycle in my Fix Your Love Signal Package:

What love order are you placing?

Just like manifesting in all life areas, when you are trying to attract love, what you are getting, your results, IS what you are ordering. That is what your love signal is sending out. 

So if you are in a restaurant and you place an order you get what you ordered.

So let's say you are only attracting neglectful love partners, that is because that is the order your love signal is placing. 

If you don't change what you are ordering, what your signal is sending out, you will always get the same order over and over.

So in love that looks like a new relationship but with the same issues as the last one.

That becomes so frustrating and if changes aren't made you end up stuck in that same cycle over and over.

Then you tell yourself that there are no good love partners left and feel disillusioned and that only makes it even harder to find love. 

And if you aren't attracting anyone at all, there is a block in sending your signal that needs to be looked into. 

And sometimes attracting no one at all can be a sign of progress if you are coming from attracting really wrong partners. It can mean your signal is resetting to work on attracting better. 

Either way some tweaking needs to be done to get that signal to place the right order for you. 

I don't want you to waste anymore time placing the wrong love order over and over.

I know how frustrating it can feel like being on a hamster wheel you can never get off of and don't even know how.

I can help you with that and so much more in the Fix Your Love Signal Package:

Using your purpose to find love!

So why is living your purpose vital to finding love?

As I say over and over, being aligned to who you are at soul level and using your purpose gift is most important when trying to manifest anything. 

When it comes to love if you are misaligned from your purpose gift you are not sending out a love signal that is truly yours.

You aren't fully being your true self, so any signal you send out to attract a partner will not be attracting a partner for you. 

When you do that you can waste so much time attracting for someone else and it is so frustrating.

You don't know you are doing it and don't understand why you can't find love. 

If you are wanting to manifest anything in your life you must be your true authentic self.

You must be living as who you are at soul level and aligned to your purpose gift or anything you build won't be on a solid foundation and can crumble any time. 

So most important is for you to keep adding and aligning with your purpose gift to ensure you can create the life you want! 

Unfortunately over many lifetimes we all get disconnected from our purpose and who we are at soul level so it can be so hard to even know. That is something I can help you with. 

I can help you with that and so much more in the Fix Your Love Signal Package:

I can also get your purpose gift info and who you are at soul level for you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing:

The most important thing in all you do is to always come back to who you are at soul level so you can live your best life and not someone else's life! 

What is a learning relationship?

So what is a learning relationship? Before we find our highest love we have learning relationships.

This is why sometimes we end up with the same circumstances over and over but just with new people.

We must learn what these relationships are there to teach us in order to be ready for real love.

We have to have learned what we need to and be in the right place for love or we just keep getting stuck in learning relationships.

Be sure to look at the common themes in past relationships and see what you can learn from them so you can stop that cycle and attract love instead. 

We do of course keep learning from our highest love as well but we must be to a certain point in our learning to be ready for our long term love. 

Learning relationships are like training wheels on a bike. You wish you could just start without them but you'd fall on your face.

You need to be prepared and ready before you go training wheel free!.

If you are tired of the same cycle of similar wrong and or neglectful partners over and over and I can help you out of that cycle in my Fix Your Love Signal Package! Get out of that cycle and into love: