What love order are you placing?

Just like manifesting in all life areas, when you are trying to attract love, what you are getting, your results, IS what you are ordering. That is what your love signal is sending out. 

So if you are in a restaurant and you place an order you get what you ordered.

So let's say you are only attracting neglectful love partners, that is because that is the order your love signal is placing. 

If you don't change what you are ordering, what your signal is sending out, you will always get the same order over and over.

So in love that looks like a new relationship but with the same issues as the last one.

That becomes so frustrating and if changes aren't made you end up stuck in that same cycle over and over.

Then you tell yourself that there are no good love partners left and feel disillusioned and that only makes it even harder to find love. 

And if you aren't attracting anyone at all, there is a block in sending your signal that needs to be looked into. 

And sometimes attracting no one at all can be a sign of progress if you are coming from attracting really wrong partners. It can mean your signal is resetting to work on attracting better. 

Either way some tweaking needs to be done to get that signal to place the right order for you. 

I don't want you to waste anymore time placing the wrong love order over and over.

I know how frustrating it can feel like being on a hamster wheel you can never get off of and don't even know how.

I can help you with that and so much more in the Fix Your Love Signal Package:
