Why Sacrifice Takes You Off Of Your Path

Are you sacrificing yourself? Your needs? Your wants? Your dreams? Here's why that takes you off of your path of why you are here.

We are all here to experience and express ourselves. On the other side we are all one so it can be hard to see where one ends and another begins. So we come to earth in physical form so we can experience being separate and can learn and express ourselves as an individual. We take that back with us when we go home to the other side again. 

Being separated in bodies, we can compare ourselves to others and can really learn,  experience, and express who we are. We learn how we are different from everyone else. It's so important for us to value ourselves and to authentically express ourselves or we can't fully do what we came here for.

So many see sacrifice as this noble thing but it really isn't. There's a difference between giving/helping and sacrificing. When you give from a place of sacrifice you deplete yourself. And on a bigger scale since we are all one depleting yourself depletes others as well. When you sacrifice yourself you aren't able to fully express yourself which is why you are here. 

When you put yourself first you have much more to give and can do so without hurting or sacrificing yourself at all. So being your full un-depleted self you can actually give way more. When you sacrifice you are limited and eventually burn out and then aren't good for anyone. 

Also, when parents are constantly sacrificing themselves, then kids inevitably start doing that as they grow up as well and they can't fully express themselves either. It becomes a vicious cycle. Showing that you value yourself and can accomplish what you need to without sacrificing or putting yourself last is the best gift you can pass down.

Sacrifice only leads to lack and depletion and attracts more circumstances where you need to sacrifice. It's a dead end road and only adds more problems to your life.  

It's like the oxygen mask on a plane. If you sacrifice yourself to put the mask on your child first, you may not make it long enough to put the mask on them and then you both die. 

But if you take care of and value yourself and put that mask on you first you can save both of you and probably others along the way as well. Really value yourself and put yourself first! This will pass down generations and help so many along the way.

Sacrificing and being a martyr is not noble. Taking care of yourself first is how you can really make a bigger difference in the world. And of course express yourself and what you want which is what you are here for. 

Sacrifice in your life can also affect your finances and every other area of your life. That sacrifice energy permeates through your whole life and can cause a lot of negative patterns for you. It's never worth it.

So look at your life, what are you sacrificing? Start making changes and start valuing yourself more and let go of all that sacrifice! Doing so will not only help you but will help those you are sacrificing for. Really focus on nurturing you and expressing yourself at soul level. 

Really use your purpose gift in all you do that will attract more and more to you which then you can use to help others. That is who you are at soul level so the more you use it the more you are doing what you are here for. If you don't know your purpose gift I can find that out for you and more in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. You can get that here: 


Let go of that sacrifice and let in so much more! Get off that dead end path and get on your true path!