3 Things You Might Be Doing That Are Attracting The Wrong Love Partner 

So many want to find love but are sabotaging themselves without even realizing it and keep attracting the wrong people for them. Our choices/actions put out what we attract back. So mentally you may really want to find love but if at the same time you are doing actions that attract the opposite, you are only sabotaging yourself when it comes to finding love.

Here are 3 things you may be doing that will attract the wrong partner for you.

1. You aren't really ready

You may think you are ready and really want love but deep down you aren't ready. Perhaps deep down you are scared of being hurt and have fear and walls up. Those walls may protect you from hurt but they also block out love. 

Really fully process and let go of anything that's holding you back from the past. Free yourself and create a clean slate so you can attract someone that's right for you. You can't punish a new partner for what an old partner did without attracting that same situation again. So keep that in mind and let it go. That is only keeping you in that situation over and over again with new people. 

If you have those walls up you will only attract the same kind of issue that hurt you in the first place. So those walls will cause you to attract another person that treats you the same way as the past person that hurt you and it becomes a vicious cycle. 

Those walls can also attract a partner that also has walls up too and who could never fully love you. So work on those walls so you are ready to attract a real love this time and not more hurt! 

2. You haven't let go of a past love 

If you haven't fully let go from a past love you are not allowing love to even come to you because your energetic signal you put out into the world will say that you are already taken. When this happens you can never be fully open to a new love so instead you will usually attract someone that isn't fully available in some way and can't be what you need. 

So really work on letting go of any past loves. That only holds you in the past, you want to focus on your now and your future. Let go so you can let in someone better for you. That past love didn't work for a reason, don't let it hold you back any longer. You must let go to find the right person for you. Free yourself to move forward to happiness! 

3. You aren't treating yourself right

If you aren't treating yourself right you can only attract someone that treats you wrong as well. How you treat yourself will be reflected in who you attract. So look closely how you are treating yourself. Are you neglecting yourself or your health? Are you talking down to or about yourself? Are you putting yourself on hold for others? Are you letting yourself down?

Really look closely because how you treat yourself will decide who you attract. Your true love wouldn't hurt you so you can't attract them if you are hurting yourself in some way. When you are in that vibration it wouldn't match to love it would only attract more hurt. So treat yourself like gold so this time you can attract a real love! 

Look at the choices you are making and work towards changing them to match up with attracting love instead of more hurt. If you make the same choices you will always attract the same situations over and over just with a new person. So make some changes and finally be ready to attract something real! 

If you would like help figuring out what's blocking you and to help manifest love, I recommend a Manifesting Love Reading And Clearing Bundle. That info is here:
