How Decluttering Can Help Your Love Life And Finances

Are you holding on to old things you don't need anymore? Are you holding onto feelings from the past? Here's why letting go is so vital in order to get who or what you want. 

Decluttering is not just for physical items. We all have a certain amount of energetic space in our lives. When that is filled up that's it there's no room for anything else and it will keep you stuck where you are indefinitely. 

When we hold onto things, physical or emotional, that are no longer needed or relevant it prevents us from moving forward. When our space is filled with things we don't need or want it blocks something or someone we do need or want from coming in.

Having a lot of clutter can actually act as a shield when trying to find love. It puts off the energy of "I don't have room for love" and will actually block it. It's also telling the world that you haven't fully dealt with your past and there is emotional baggage you need to deal with which also repels love. 

Having a lot of clutter goes hand and hand with emotional clutter. If you have a lot of clutter it's a sign that there are things from your past you haven't fully dealt with and it's important to do so so you can move forward. After emotions are built up and undealt with on the inside, then it will start to show physically in your outer world including in the form of clutter. 

So do you have a lot of physical clutter? If so it's not only important to deal with that but also deal with the emotions that lead you there. Look back on things that you never fully dealt with. Let yourself feel those emotions deeply and fully. Really let them out and release them, holding them in is so toxic. Make room for some new wonderful emotions and let the old go. 

If you want to find a true love it's important to settle your emotional and physical home first. When you look at your home what does it say? Does it say "I'm full and I'm there's no room for anything else?" If so, really take care of it. You want your home to say "I'm ready and open for great things and people to come in"

Clutter can also block you from manifesting money and can affect every area of your life. Taking care of it can make a big difference very fast not only physically but emotionally as well.

Start by looking at things you no longer need or use. Ask yourself why you are still holding onto them in the first place. Are you holding onto them to hold onto the past in some way? Really holding onto the past will always stop you from moving forward and stop you from creating a happy life right now. The past is over but you can create even better for yourself right now! Let go not only physically but emotionally.

Some hold onto stuff they no longer need because of fear of not having enough in the future and it's an attempt to soothe that fear. The problem is doing so will block you from having enough. Because holding on is telling the universe that you won't have enough in the future so you need to hold onto it. Since we create our lives the universe will say "as you wish" and then you will make it so you not have enough in the future. 

So really look deep and start purging both physically and mentally. Let go of what you don't need any more so you can attract someone or something you want now. Leave room for someone or something wonderful to show up in your life! Make room physically and emotionally and see what happens. You will be so happy you did! 

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