How To Remove Drama From Your Life

Drama can be annoying and distracting and is not a productive energy to have in your life. It can be frustrating and can feel like there is no way out sometimes. The good news is that as in everything in your life you do have full control over it. Here is how to take control and cut drama out of your life.

The first thing is to know that if there is ongoing drama, you are allowing and attracting it into your life most likely without realizing it. So look into who brings drama into your life repeatedly. Know that if they keep doing it that you are allowing it. 

If you don't want drama you need to energetically starve that situation. That means not talk about it with that person and just not allow it in your life period. Don't give it the time of day.

A lot of times this calls for cutting people out of our lives no matter who they are. Remember this drama is distracting you from your purpose so it's important to not be around it for your growth and in order to move forward in life. 

Just the act of engaging in someone's drama will actually attract more drama into your life which will become a vicious cycle. You must stop it at the roots. 

Boundaries are so important and need to be upheld firmly. Be strong that you will not allow any drama into your life. As you eliminate it and show the universe you don’t want it then you will stop attracting it. Really look at any situations in your life that have drama and chaos. Start actively working on changing those situations and know you have full control to do so. 

Purposely add more peace into your life. More peace will attract more peace and is an antidote for drama. More drama and chaos will only attract more of the same. By allowing it in your life in any form you are giving an open invitation for it to creep into every part of your life. 

Be very vigilant with what you allow in all areas of your life. Get out of any toxic relationships that will always bring drama in your life and keep you stuck. If drama is in your life you are attracting it with your choices so really look at all your choices. Do you stay in a toxic work environment? In a toxic relationship? Keep a toxic friend in your life? 

Really make those strong choices to get that out of your life. It's not always easy but if you want to live your purpose and have a good life it is necessary. Everyone should have peace! If you don't, really work on changes in your life to change that! From now on don't allow it period! Energetically starve and dramatic situations!

This next step can be hard for some but it's very important. If you have lots of drama in your life look deep at yourself and ask what you are getting out of it. For some they love the drama and attention so they keep allowing it in their lives. Some are afraid to move forward and do what they need to do so they attract drama to keep them distracted and have an excuse to not move forward. Really look deep because if this is a pattern you are getting something out of it. This can be hard for some to admit but doing so will cause a big breakthrough so be willing to do so. 

No matter what the root is, drama is never healthy and always blocks you from your purpose and moving forward. So really be honest with yourself and ask yourself "What am I getting out of drama?" Really look into and work through that so you can remove that obstacle from your life. 

Whatever the reason you are attracting this drama in your life focusing on yourself and your purpose can help push you forward through that roadblock. If you don't know your purpose I can find out for you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here:

But overall focus on moving forward in your life and creating the life you want. Don't let drama distract you and take you off of your path. Know that you can create a drama free life but you have to be in control of it and not engage with or allow it in your life. Be strong and don't let drama keep you off of your path!