How far have you come? I mean really look back and see. Where were you 6 months ago, a year ago, 5 years ago?
We can get so caught up in reaching for the next thing that we don't see how far we have actually come. A big part in the manifesting process is celebrating and really locking in the wins and the progress. Take time to feel it and appreciate it before jumping to the next goal.
When you celebrate the wins, it locks it in more and makes it easier to manifest the next goal. Make it a celebration, even if it's just doing a silly happy dance. This shows your spirit guides how much you do like reaching a goal and they can help you to reach more goals.
Since we have free will, our actions, not our thoughts or desires show our guides what we really want. A lot of times people will reach a goal and barely even notice because they are so focused on the next goal they don't have yet.
Focusing so much on what you don't have yet attracts more “not having” to you. If you focus more on what you don't have yet, that shows your guides that you really like not having something since you give it so much attention.
Focusing on what you don't have yet only attracts lack. What you are focusing on and taking action on grows. So be sure you are focusing on watering the flowers in your life, not the weeds.
So take a look at where you were and see and feel that difference. Celebrate what you have accomplished, big or small. Show your guides and the universe that you like reaching the goals. Big or small it is a big deal!
Take time to really appreciate what you have and what you have accomplished. The good news is you can look back and celebrate old wins still too and it counts!
So celebrate! That energy will help you manifest more and more! Appreciation and gratitude are huge manifesting tools so use them often and create your dreams!
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