Embodiment has been coming up a lot with my clients lately so I wanted to write this to help anyone else that could use it.
There's a big difference between embodiment versus just knowing something.
Embodiment brings real physical results to your world, just knowing or thinking about something doesn't.
When you are fully embodying something there's no need to tell someone that you know and no need to try to prove it. You just are and it's obvious and radiates from the inside out.
So what are you currently truly embodying and what do you want to be embodying?
When you are truly embodying something don't have to say a thing because your actions show it clearer. Knowing can never bring the changes you want so put focus into embodiment, into being and living it.
So often people see themselves as one way but in reality they are portraying and actually being the opposite.
Being aware is the first step. Look at yourself from an outside perspective. Right now what does the world see you as through your embodiment, through your actions?
Then look at what you want to show the world you are and take actions to start really being that and grounding that into your physical reality.
You have the power to choose and create what you embody. Use that power and truly embody who you want to be.
The old patterns aren't you so let's upgrade them and truly match embodiment with what you want.
And of course embodying your purpose gift is the most important thing in your life to create abundance, health, and happiness. So always work on adding more of your purpose gift into your physical embodiment. Don’t just know it, be it.
If you don't know your purpose gift yet I can find out for you here: