Are you embodying? It's the only way to create real results

Embodiment has been coming up a lot with my clients lately so I wanted to write this to help anyone else that could use it.

There's a big difference between embodiment versus just knowing something.  

Embodiment brings real physical results to your world, just knowing or thinking about something doesn't.

When you are fully embodying something there's no need to tell someone that you know and no need to try to prove it. You just are and it's obvious and radiates from the inside out.

So what are you currently truly embodying and what do you want to be embodying?

When you are truly embodying something don't have to say a thing because your actions show it clearer. Knowing can never bring the changes you want so put focus into embodiment, into being and living it. 

So often people see themselves as one way but in reality they are portraying and actually being the opposite.

Being aware is the first step. Look at yourself from an outside perspective. Right now what does the world see you as through your embodiment, through your actions?

Then look at what you want to show the world you are and take actions to start really being that and grounding that into your physical reality. 

You have the power to choose and create what you embody. Use that power and truly embody who you want to be.

The old patterns aren't you so let's upgrade them and truly match embodiment with what you want. 

And of course embodying your purpose gift is the most important thing in your life to create abundance, health, and happiness. So always work on adding more of your purpose gift into your physical embodiment. Don’t just know it, be it.

If you don't know your purpose gift yet I can find out for you here:

My Breakthroughs Can Help You

I had some breakthroughs working with my spirit guides last night that I want to share because they can help you as well.  

I had been on the edge of an uplevel for a long time but couldn't seem to break through to it. I can see what's blocking my clients so easily but sometimes seeing it in myself is harder. 

It's like trying to read a book pressed right against your face. You are too close to really see it. That's why having someone on the outside looking in can be so beneficial for everyone, including myself. 

So last night I was working with my spirit guides to help me see what was blocking me. First it came through that subconsciously I was afraid of being a beginner in the next level. 

Afraid of being a smaller fish in a bigger pond so to speak. I had been at the top of my level for a while and I had no clue that silly subconscious program was running and blocking me.

It was like I was at the end of the pond pushing and trying to get out but I kept bashing into the side. My guides helped me through to show me how that subconscious program wasn't logical. 

Thinking it would be harder in the new pond was silly because the hard part was actually continually pushing against the end of the pond I was in. In my new pond I'm free and have room to grow and who's to say I can't reach the top of that pond fast. 

Resistance is usually the worst thing we do to ourselves and the biggest block. The resistances running into the side over and over instead of just getting out and quickly jumping into the new pond was the worst part.

We resist because it will be uncomfortable for a bit as we are in between but it's only a short time and much less uncomfortable than banging against the side forever. 

And it is a better pond. The highest part of the less than pond isn't as good as the low end of the good pond. So keep that in mind anytime you are resisting. 

It also came through that I had fears of leaving some people behind once I was in the new level pond. But the thing is in this new level I can help others uplevel easier and faster as well. I'm in a stronger secure place in the new pond and can securely help you out of the old one even easier now. 

The last breakthrough was about my leadership. I wasn't fully stepping into my role as a leader as much as I could. And it came through that it was because of something that happened to me when I was 11 years old. Something I didn't even think about or remember yet it was still in my way. 

When I was 11 I became a school bus monitor. The role was being a leader and watching over the other kids on the bus and being a mediator. I was excited at first and it felt like I could really help. 

I was given this fluorescent orange sash to wear to show that I was the bus monitor. Well it turned out the other kids did not want to be monitored. They saw me as some sort of a threat which I couldn't see myself then.

One kid forcibly took my sash off and threw it in the sewer and they relentlessly made fun of me. That was the day I stepped back in my leader role without knowing it. 

Subconsciously being a leader meant I would be made fun of and caused emotional pain. That was how my subconscious saw it all these years in an effort to protect me from that pain again. It's amazing how things we aren't even conscious of can block us so severely. 

So I am now stepping into my leadership role in a stronger way. Use me to support you and take my hand to get out of that old pond. The new one is much better and it's warm! 

Right now there are 2 bonus zoom calls in my monthly coaching package if you want to take advantage of those and uplevel too:

Are you seeing the answers in your life?

Are you seeing the layers of answers in your life? Messages and answers are always being given to all of us on a subtle level. But unfortunately not everyone knows that, sees them, or understands them.

Our spirit guides are here to help us but since we all have free will they can't just step in and do it for us. But they show us breadcrumbs along the way to help guide us to our highest and best path. 

We must notice and take those actions ourselves but if we do it leads us to our highest and best health, love abundance, purpose, happiness etc. It's a not so secret code to a higher level we all have access to if we pay attention.

So first we must be clear with our spirit guides and ask them specifically for what we want help with. You can speak to them out loud, in your mind, or in a journal that's specifically to them. (There's more specifics on that in this course: )

Once you are clear, then you need to be open to start seeing the signs and answers that are given to you. It could come in a song, in numbers, in an actual sign, un a situation that happens, in a very subtle feeling, in a theme that plays out in your life over and over etc. 

There are unlimited ways it can come. And it is always there for everyone, not just a chosen few. It's like wearing 3D glasses, what you are watching is always there but you couldn't see clearly until you put the glasses on.

Everyone has intuition. It is a sense that should be as clear as seeing and hearing but unfortunately over time people have strayed away from it. It's like a baby animal being born. It has legs automatically but takes a bit of an adjustment and practice to actually use them. It's the same with your intuition.

These clues can help with all areas of your life once you learn to see and use them. If this feels foreign or hard to you right now the first step is just trying to be open to looking deeper. 

If you haven't had a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing yet that can help with this a lot. That info is here:

Each clue and answer builds on each other and leads you to what's best for you. It's your golden path if you choose to listen. So be open and pay attention. The more you see and notice them the more you will see and notice and the better your life gets. It's also like a GPS and if you get off path those clues can help you recalculate and get back on your path. 

It's all right in front of you. Will you choose to read the not so hidden secret messages? 

If you want private help to learn to see and translate the messages you can get private coaching with me here:

Are you using this easy manifesting tool?

How far have you come? I mean really look back and see. Where were you 6 months ago, a year ago, 5 years ago?

We can get so caught up in reaching for the next thing that we don't see how far we have actually come. A big part in the manifesting process is celebrating and really locking in the wins and the progress. Take time to feel it and appreciate it before jumping to the next goal. 

When you celebrate the wins, it locks it in more and makes it easier to manifest the next goal. Make it a celebration, even if it's just doing a silly happy dance. This shows your spirit guides how much you do like reaching a goal and they can help you to reach more goals.

Since we have free will, our actions, not our thoughts or desires show our guides what we really want. A lot of times people will reach a goal and barely even notice because they are so focused on the next goal they don't have yet.

Focusing so much on what you don't have yet attracts more “not having” to you. If you focus more on what you don't have yet, that shows your guides that you really like not having something since you give it so much attention. 

Focusing on what you don't have yet only attracts lack. What you are focusing on and taking action on grows. So be sure you are focusing on watering the flowers in your life, not the weeds. 

So take a look at where you were and see and feel that difference. Celebrate what you have accomplished, big or small. Show your guides and the universe that you like reaching the goals. Big or small it is a big deal! 

Take time to really appreciate what you have and what you have accomplished. The good news is you can look back and celebrate old wins still too and it counts!

So celebrate! That energy will help you manifest more and more! Appreciation and gratitude are huge manifesting tools so use them often and create your dreams! 

If you would like personal manifesting coaching and more from me you can book a month with me here: (Temporarily half off)

Is your love signal sending the wrong message? 

Is your love signal sending the wrong message? First of all, what is a love signal? We are always sending out energetic signals and attracting but if you aren't attracting what/who you want you are sending out the wrong energetic signal. It's as simple as that. 

Whatever you attract is because you are sending out that signal and vibration. If you weren't, it wouldn't even come near you.

This works with all areas but I want to focus on love here. If you are attracting the wrong people or no people at all, your signal is off. And this is especially if you keep attracting the same kind of people over and over.

It is like placing an order at a restaurant, you are actually ordering that! You just don't realize it and wonder “why does this keep happening to me?” 

So for instance you get out of a relationship where your partner neglects you and then the next new person neglects you as well. It's not them, it's you putting out the wrong signal. And if you aren't attracting anyone at all and you want to, that's also your signal being off.

Unfortunately most people don't even know they are sending out the wrong signal or how to change it and end up in the same kind of toxic relationship over and over. If that's you I don't want that for you! You can fix that! 

I want to help you get to the bottom of that now and save you time stuck in that never ending cycle! 

Book a month with me and let's fix that now! You deserve better! 

You can book here: (temporarily half off, limited spaces available first come first serve)

Are you living the wrong manifesting song?

Are you living the wrong manifesting song? Think about how you feel when you hear your favorite song? That should be how you feel all the time! Unfortunately most people are living in the wrong, sad song. 

We are made up of energy, of vibrations. If you strum a string on a guitar that same string will automatically vibrate on any nearby guitars as well. 

This is the same as manifesting. The other guitar strings that automatically vibrate are what you want to manifest but you have to be vibrating on the same note, the same vibration to even reach them. 

If you are vibrating on a different note you can never reach what you want no matter what you do.

So obviously you are not a guitar, you can't just pluck the right string. So what can you do to get in that same vibration?

Again, we are all made up of energy, of notes. Our purpose gift boils down to the energy we are made up of the most. It is our magical manifesting soul note. 

If most of what we do goes against that energy, that note, we will feel and hear the wrong note.

That wrong note is blatantly obvious showing we are on the wrong path. Playing the wrong note makes it impossible to manifest anything but struggle. 

No matter how hard you play that wrong note it won't attract the right one. It's impossible.

So many people just keep strumming that wrong note harder and harder wondering why it's not working and only attract more struggle. I don't want that for you! 

What is a right note for you will be a wrong note for someone else, we are all different.

Your purpose gift is your personal manifesting super power, your soul note. Use it! It will automatically draw in what's right for you and push away what isn't. 

Just keep using it to elevate to new levels. There is always more of it you can add to your life.

And be sure to eliminate any thing in your life that goes against it, those will counteract any manifesting and just make it harder on you to move forward.

So be the true energy of your soul note and get excited for the favorite song you will always be living in! 💜

If you don't know your purpose gift yet I can help you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing:

If you already know your purpose gift and would like help bringing it to the next level I can help you here:

And if you know you are ready to take the fast lane and want all of that and have complete support getting there, I'd love to work closer with you in one of my coaching options. You can find them here:

8 Energetic Blocks to Manifesting Money and How to Break Through Them

If you find yourself doing all the “right things” struggling to manifest the financial abundance you desire, it's likely that energetic blocks are standing in the way.

So I put together 8 common energetic blocks that prevent the flow of money and, most importantly, how to break through them so you can attract the wealth and abundance you deserve.

1. **Scarcity Mindset**

A scarcity mindset is one of the most common blocks to manifesting money. This mindset focuses on the idea that there is “never enough”—not enough money, opportunities, or resources to go around. When you operate from a place of lack, you energetically block the flow of abundance because your energy is focused on fear and limitation.

**How to Break Through It:**  

Shift your mindset to one of abundance by focusing on gratitude and recognizing the wealth that already exists in your life, no matter how small. Practice affirmations like, “I live in an abundant universe, and I am always supported financially.” Remember that the Universe is limitless, and there is more than enough to go around for everyone.

2. **Fear of Money or Success**

Many people have an unconscious fear of money or the success that comes with it. This fear may stem from limiting beliefs such as “Money is bad” or “Wealthy people are greedy.” It can also come from a fear of responsibility or the unknown changes that money might bring. Another common money block is when someone is afraid that if they have money they will lose their relationship. This block keeps you from fully stepping into financial abundance.

**How to Break Through It:**  

Examine your beliefs around money. Ask yourself, “What am I afraid of when it comes to wealth?” Challenge these fears by replacing them with positive affirmations like, “Money is a tool for good,” and “I am capable of handling financial abundance with ease and grace.” Focus on the positive impact wealth can have on your life and others. You can do so much good with more money. The most money needs to get into the hands of good people like you!

3. **Lack of Self-Worth**

One of the biggest energetic blocks to manifesting money is feeling unworthy of receiving it. If deep down you believe you’re not deserving of wealth, or that you haven’t earned it, this creates an energetic barrier. Your outer financial reality is often a reflection of your inner beliefs about yourself.

**How to Break Through It:**  

Work on building your sense of self-worth. Start by affirming your value with statements like, “I am worthy of wealth and abundance,” and “I deserve to be financially prosperous.” Take steps to invest in yourself, whether through self-care, education, or professional development. The more you believe in your own worth, the more abundance will flow into your life.

4. **Negative Money Stories**

We all grow up with certain beliefs and stories about money—many of which are limiting. You may have heard things like, “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” or “You have to work hard to get rich.” These stories, whether inherited from family or society, can unconsciously shape your relationship with money and block the flow of abundance.

**How to Break Through It:**  

Identify the money stories you’ve been telling yourself. Ask, “What beliefs did I inherit about money?” Then, actively rewrite those stories. Replace them with empowering beliefs such as, “Money comes to me easily and frequently,” or “I can attract wealth with ease.” The more you reprogram your mind, the more your financial reality will shift.

5. **Attachment to Lack**

Many people unknowingly become attached to their financial struggles. This attachment can come from the comfort of familiarity or from the identity that has been built around scarcity. When you’re emotionally attached to your lack, it becomes difficult to open up to new financial possibilities.

**How to Break Through It:**  

Let go of your attachment to struggle. Visualize a life of financial freedom and ease. See yourself already living in abundance, and emotionally connect to that feeling. The more you embody the energy of having what you desire, the quicker you’ll manifest it. Practice gratitude for every bit of abundance you receive, no matter how small, to shift your energy toward receiving.

6. **Inconsistent Energy**

Your energy needs to be aligned with your financial goals consistently. If you send out mixed signals, sometimes feeling abundant and other times feeling desperate or fearful, this inconsistency creates confusion in the energetic field and blocks the manifestation process. You can’t attract wealth if your energy fluctuates between abundance and lack.

**How to Break Through It:**  

Stay consistent in your energetic alignment with wealth. Make a habit of focusing on abundance every day, whether through meditation, visualization, or affirmations. Create daily rituals that reinforce your financial goals, such as setting money intentions or expressing gratitude for the abundance you have. Consistency is key to creating lasting wealth.

7. **Not Taking Inspired Action**

Manifesting money isn’t just about thinking positively or visualizing abundance. You also need to take aligned, inspired action toward your financial goals. When you sit back and wait for money to appear without taking steps toward it, you create an energetic block that prevents the flow of wealth.

**How to Break Through It:**  

Listen to your intuition and take inspired action toward your financial goals. Ask yourself, “What can I do today that will bring me closer to financial abundance?” Whether it’s applying for a new job, creating a new offering in your business, or investing in your skills, take action that feels aligned with your desires. The universe will meet you halfway when you put in the effort. Sometimes the inspired actions may seem silly like even a walk to the park but sometimes creating that space is what is needed. So really get centered and pay attention to your inspirations without judgment.

8. **Holding on to Past Financial Trauma**

Many people carry financial trauma from past experiences, such as losing money, being in debt, or experiencing financial insecurity. This trauma can create fear and distrust around money, which energetically blocks the flow of abundance. You may unconsciously replay those past patterns, expecting the same negative outcomes.

**How to Break Through It:**  

Heal your relationship with money by releasing past financial trauma. This may involve forgiveness—whether forgiving yourself or others for past financial mistakes. You can also use energetic healing techniques, such as meditation, EFT tapping, or a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing to clear the negative energy around money. By healing the past, you open the door to a brighter financial future.

Money is energy, and in order to attract it into your life, your energy needs to be aligned with abundance. The 8 energetic blocks to manifesting money, scarcity mindset, fear of money or success, lack of self-worth, negative money stories, attachment to lack, inconsistent energy, failure to take inspired action, and holding on to past financial trauma are all barriers that prevent wealth from flowing into your life. The good news is, once you become aware of these blocks, you have the power to break through them.

If you would like more help check out the Financial Abundance Energy Clearing Experience here:

7 Ways A Strong Intuitive Connection Helps in Creating Financial Abundance

Often people think intuition is just a luxury but in reality it is a fundamental asset that can profoundly influence your path to financial abundance. Your intuition and working through your soul is the key to everything in your life including abundance. Without it you can be working hard without realizing it's the completely wrong path and is a dead end.

Here are 7 of the many ways why a strong intuitive connection is crucial and how it can pave the way to greater financial success:

1. Guidance Beyond Logic:

Intuition provides access to a deeper level of understanding that transcends logical reasoning. While analytical thinking is important, it often relies on past data and external information. Intuition, however, taps into a broader spectrum of insights, including subconscious wisdom and universal knowledge, offering guidance that logic alone cannot provide. It is your internal GPS, your internal compass. Without it you can go down many wrong paths first. Strengthening your intuition can help you avoid a lot of trial and error and get you to your goal so much faster and may be the only way to reach it at all.

2. Alignment with Authentic Desires:

A strong intuitive connection helps you align with your true desires and values. This alignment ensures that your financial goals are not just driven by external pressures or societal expectations but are deeply rooted in what truly resonates with you, with your true soul. This leads to more fulfilling and sustainable success.

3. Identifying Lucrative Opportunities:

Intuition can guide you toward opportunities that are aligned with your unique path to abundance. Whether it's an investment, career move, or business venture, intuitive nudges often lead you to prospects that might not be immediately apparent through your logical mind alone. It can give you lucrative inspirations and actions to take that your mind couldn't come up with and may not even make sense to it. So much of manifesting abundance is energetic and not always logical. 

4. Effective Risk Management:

While intuition can guide you toward opportunities, it also acts as a natural warning system. A well-honed intuitive sense can alert you to potential risks and pitfalls, helping you avoid financial losses and make safer, more informed decisions.

5. Boosting Creativity and Innovation:

Many successful entrepreneurs and professionals attribute their breakthrough ideas to intuition. By fostering a strong intuitive connection, you unlock creative solutions and innovative approaches that drive financial growth and differentiate you in the marketplace.

6. Enhancing Decision-Making Confidence:

Intuition provides a sense of certainty and confidence in your choices. This self-assurance reduces hesitation and procrastination, enabling you to act decisively and capitalize on financial opportunities promptly.

7. Building Stronger Relationships:

Financial success is often influenced by the quality of your professional relationships. Intuition helps you read people better, understand their motivations, and build trust. This ability can lead to more fruitful collaborations, partnerships, and networking opportunities.

So as you can see your intuition is vital if you don’t want to be caught in a dead end loop. It's not just a luxury that some have. Everyone has an intuition and can grow that ability. It is like a muscle and can be purposefully worked on to get it better and better and save you so much time in the long run.

If you’d like personal intuition coaching from me that option is here:

If you have other areas you want to work on as well I can also do Intuition Coaching in this package:

I also have this Build Your Intuition Audio you can get access to immediately:

Don't Forget This Important Step When Manifesting

I have found a lot of people forget a very important step when manifesting. It is leaving space to actually receive what they want. It seems like a given but most people don't realize they aren't actually leaving room to receive. 

People can tend to push and push trying to create what they want but that never creates room to receive it. When manifesting a huge part if it is being open to the inspirations that will come of how to reach your goal.

If there's no space there's no way to receive. 
It's like a child saying “mom, mom, mom” over and over. While that child is saying that they can't get a response, there's no room for the mom to answer. You can't receive what you want if you aren't leaving space for it.

So on the energetic side meditation, journaling and quiet time are so important in the process. This can even be while folding laundry, washing dishes, or driving etc. Basic things that we can do without thinking that use our physical bodies but free our mind for inspirations to come through. Be sure you are leaving mental space to receive. 

Especially for women, receiving is our natural flow, not pushing. When we keep pushing there's no room to open up and receive what we want. We are like a magnet we attract to us not push until we force it to happen. There is a beautiful natural flow that once you tap into can only create results. 

Constantly focusing on our desires can sometimes create resistance due to over-attachment and anxiety. Leaving space helps us detach from the outcome, reducing resistance and allowing the natural flow of energy to bring our desires to us.

The universe operates on the principle of balance and flow. When we leave space in our lives, we allow the universe to fill it with opportunities, insights, and manifestations that align with our true desires.

When we leave space, we become open to unexpected opportunities and possibilities that we might not have considered or even knew existed. This openness can lead to manifestations that are even better than we imagined.

This can also happen on the physical level. When we fill every moment with activity we inadvertently block the flow of what we desire. If for instance you bought a new bed but didn't remove the old one yet there is literally no room for the new one to fit. 

Also a cluttered environment can mirror a cluttered mind. Regularly declutter your living and working spaces to create a sense of order and openness, which supports a clear and focused mind.

I have found with my clients this also a common block when trying to attract love. They say they want love but they don't leave any space in their lives to fit someone in or to even meet them so that blocks them from that desire. So really think about what you want and if you have any space for it to fit or even a way for it to get to you.

Also be sure to take care of and clear up your emotional space as well. Process and release things in a healthy way. Holding them in builds up inside you and takes up space where what you actually want can go. 

So leaving space to receive is a fundamental yet often underestimated aspect of the manifesting process. By creating physical, mental, and emotional space, you align yourself with the universe's natural flow, reduce resistance, and open up to new possibilities. 

Space is not an absence but a powerful presence that allows the universe to work its magic and bring your desires to life. It creates a vacuum to pull what you want to you. Embrace the power of space and watch as your manifestations unfold in ways you may have never imagined!

And as always in any manifesting practice be sure your choices align to your purpose gift and who you are at soul level so you aren't in inadvertently working against yourself and getting in your own way. If you don't know your purpose gift and who you are at soul level I can help you with that and more here:

Don’t Do These Two Things If You Are Looking For Love!

There are a lot of common love blocks I find in people over and over so I thought I'd write a quick message to help prevent you from these two dead end patterns when it comes to finding love.

First be sure you aren't putting yourself last or neglecting yourself in any way. That only attracts those that will neglect you and who also put you last. 

How you treat yourself will directly affect who you can attract. Your highest love wouldn't do that so that won't allow you to be ready for or to attract your highest love. It keeps you in a never ending cycle, always attracting those that neglect you in some way.

So look at anywhere where you are putting yourself last or neglecting yourself including your health and make changes. Pay attention when you have any negative self talk and remember you will attract that in a partner. Really focus on treating yourself exactly how you would want a partner to treat you. 

Also look at it the other way. Look at past people you have attracted and look at how you were doing something similar to yourself. Figure out exactly what you want in a partner and start treating yourself like that! You must put yourself first!

And secondly be sure you are not over giving! Be sure to always have equal give and take in all relationships, that's important. 

Overgiving is 100% guaranteed to push real love away. Most people overgive in hopes to get someone to like or love them but ironically it actually has the opposite effect so keep that in mind. 

Also look at other areas and relationships in your life you may be doing that as well. We are whole beings so each area of our life affects all other areas. So having that pattern in just one other area would affect your love life so be mindful of that going forward. 

That need to over give stems from some insecurities and is unconsciously an effort to make up for those insecurities. It's almost like a feeling of "I'm not enough so overgiving will make me more worthy of love." 

But it in turn only makes the signal of your insecurities even bigger and lights up the insecurities which would block an actual real love from being attracted. 

It sends out the signal of "I'm not enough as I am" so you could only attract those that aren't enough or will take advantage of those insecurities. 

So when searching for love be mindful of these two things so you don't stay in a never ending search!

If you're looking for personal help from me finding love and finding and clearing your specific love blocks I'd recommend either of these 2 choices:

Be Careful Of This When Manifesting 

There is something I have found that so many of us do and don't realize it's blocking you from what you want. So I wanted to talk a little bit about it.

It is the “I'll be happy when syndrome.” So for instance you may think “once I get a certain amount of money I'll be happy. Or “once I find my love I'll be happy” etc. 

Doing that always puts your dreams and happiness in the future continually and assures you won't reach it therefore assures you will never be happy.

It's not that actual thing; love, money, etc. that will make you happy, it's the feeling of it you really want. But the key is creating that feeling first then it attracts what you want, not the other way around.

And thinking you will be happy “when” assures you will never be happy because this is a never ending journey. Once you get that money or that love etc. then you will be wanting the next thing, there is never a time where you feel done and complete because of a goal. It is a journey, not a destination. There will always be the next step after you reach that step. 

So the key is finding happiness, gratitude, and contentment where you are right now.

If you aren't clear and honest with yourself about where you are now, you have nothing to build on. So really focus on what you can be thankful for and what you do have right now. Appreciate what you do have and that will build. That attracts more things to be grateful for. 

If you only focus on what you don't have, you will just attract more lack and it becomes a vicious cycle. 

So focus on finding happiness wherever you are right now. Don't put your happiness continually in the future. Now is all we ever have! Enjoy right now! 

If you need help with anything in your life you can get on my schedule here:

If you have questions about what reading, clearing, or coaching is best for you send me an email here and I'll help you. 

What Is A Negative Spirit Guide?

When it comes to spirit guides, free will is a major factor. Spirit guides are there to work for you but they can never step in the way of your free will. This is why it's so important to be clear with them about what you want.  And to be clear not only with your thoughts and words, but through your actions.

Since we live on a physical plane our physical actions count more than what we say or think. So for instance if you say you want a man that treats you well but keep accepting those that hurt you or stay with one that hurts you, your free will is telling your guides you really want someone that hurts you.

Then your guides see that and say “as you wish” and keep sending men that hurt you your way. So being sure your actions match what you truly want is super important.

Now when it comes to negative spirit guides most people see them as some evil entity but that's not the case. Negative guides aren't negative, we just hire them to do things that aren't helpful for us therefore they are negative by blocking us from our true self and holding us back. 

So an example is someone goes through a hard time and hides from the world and completely isolates themselves. As they keep making the choice to do that with what their actions are saying, their soul then hires a spirit guide to help them to isolate.

Then this guide will block opportunities to get back to life and will help you to create situations, reasons, and excuses to keep that up and to keep isolating and it makes it harder to move forward.

So it happens when we make a negative choice to help us cope in that moment but keeping that choice up is what causes us to hire a negative spirit guide to help us to continue that. 

It can show up in many ways but the key is to look at what your actions are telling your spirit guide that you want. Pretend it's a silent video and they can't hear your words at all. What are your actions telling your guides that you want? Are they congruent to what you really want?

And a negative choice for one person may be a positive choice for another. That's why it's important to make choices that align with your purpose gift and who you are at soul level. Everyone is unique. 

So overall, really pay attention to what your actions are saying and make sure they match what you really want. 

If you don't know your purpose gift and /or want to find out if you have a negative guide and if so get them removed I can help you with that and more in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here:

Here Is A Commonly Missed Yet Powerful Manifesting Tool And How To Use It.

When manifesting, there are many different tools we can use. As always our energy is a huge factor. For instance if you focus on what you don't have it creates more lack and if you are grateful for what you do have it creates more abundance. A powerful tool to help manifesting energy that is often overlooked is creativity. 

Manifesting needs a flow state to cycle and receive. Creativity opens and keeps that flow state going. When you get too focused on pushing or forcing an outcome that flow is stopped and what you are trying to attract also stops.

Creativity is also the space where most people receive their intuitive inspirations for the action step towards manifesting what they want. It is very important to schedule in time to be creative to keep that flow going so you are open to receive in all the ways you wish. 

There are many ways to be creative even if you aren't artistic at all. Even just stroking paint on a paper even if it's not “good” is helpful. You could dance, sing, do crafts, cook creatively, redecorate etc. 

In fact just now as I'm writing this I noticed that as I have grown some of the decorations in my office don't suit me anymore. So I'm going to use my creativity to redecorate so that it resonates more with who I am now and who I want to become. The items that don't match my vibration now, can hold me back or bring me back to the old me. 

You can incorporate fun and play into being creative which are also manifesting attractors. There are so many ways to be creative but here are 7 examples of how you can use creativity to manifest:

Vision Boards: Creating a vision board is a visual representation of your dreams and goals. Gather images, quotes, and symbols that resonate with your desires and arrange them on a board. This creative process helps clarify your intentions and keeps your goals in focus, serving as a daily reminder of what you are manifesting.

Creative Visualization: Visualization is a powerful technique that involves imagining your desired outcome in vivid detail. Take time each day to sit quietly, close your eyes, and visualize your goals as if they have already been achieved. Engage all your senses in this creative exercise to make the experience as real as possible.

Affirmation Art: Combine affirmations with creative expression by turning positive statements into art. Write your affirmations on paper or canvas and decorate them with colors, drawings, or embellishments. This creative act not only reinforces your positive beliefs but also transforms them into tangible, visual reminders.

Creative Writing: Writing can be a profound way to manifest your desires. Engage in journaling, scripting, or writing letters to your future self, detailing your goals and aspirations as if they have already come to fruition. This process helps solidify your intentions and communicates your desires to the universe.

Mind Mapping: Mind mapping is a creative way to organize your thoughts and visualize the steps needed to achieve your goals. Start with a central idea (your main goal) and branch out with related sub-goals and actions. Use colors, images, and symbols to make your mind map visually appealing and inspiring.

Artistic Expression: Engage in any form of artistic expression that resonates with you, whether it's painting, drawing, sculpting, or crafting. Channel your emotions and intentions into your artwork, allowing the creative flow to amplify your manifesting energy. The process of creating art can be meditative and empowering, helping you align with your desires.

Creative Rituals: Incorporate creativity into your manifesting rituals. Create a sacred space where you can perform rituals that involve writing, drawing, or creating symbolic objects. For example, you can create a dream jar where you write your desires on pieces of paper and place them in the jar, infusing each note with creative energy.

Harnessing creativity is a powerful and dynamic way to enhance your manifesting abilities. The creative outlet you choose doesn’t even have to be focused on what you are manifesting for it to work. Just be sure to open some creative outlet consistently to keep that flow going. 

Remember, your creative potential is limitless, and by tapping into it, you unlock new dimensions of possibility and transformation.

If you don't know your purpose gift and who you are at soul level yet I'd recommend a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That can help you be one with your true self and let those creative juices flow. That info is here:

I have many reading, clearing, and coaching options available to help you on your journey. If you aren't sure which is best for you now just email or message me and I'll help you choose. All the options are here:

The Best Ways And Times To Get Intuitive Inspirations

While intuitive hits can come at any time, there are times and ways that make it more probable especially if your intuition isn’t as good as you'd like it to be yet.

Our thinking mind and physical body can easily get in the way of our intuition. Because of this, keeping our mind and body busy with mundane tasks is one of the best ways to allow room for intuitive inspirations to come through. 

The most common ways of doing this are, folding laundry, cleaning, washing dishes, taking a shower, driving etc. So when you get what you might think is a random thought while doing those things, know that it's most likely an intuitive inspiration and take note.

Know that intuition is usually not loud and usually comes through as a soft, slight nudge. This can cause most people to shrug it off as nothing and then look back and regret it later. 

When you are doing mundane things your brain and body are focused elsewhere which leaves more room for your intuition to come through so pay attention to what comes through during those times.

Dreams are also another way for your intuition/psychic abilities to come through. So paying attention to and interpreting your dreams can be very helpful. When I was younger, before I started using my psychic abilities during the day, I would always get them in my dreams. 

Creativity is another great way to connect with your intuition. You don't have to create something spectacular, just have fun with it and pay attention to what comes through while you do it. This can be painting, drawing, crafting, coloring, dancing, singing, writing, even scribbling etc. 

Creativity is also important to help in manifesting and releasing emotions before they build up inside you and cause you issues in the future. Not using a creative outlet can also block off your intuition. So be sure to make time for creativity often. It is more helpful than you may realize! 

Journaling is also another way to allow it to come through. By keeping a daily intuition journal where you write down thoughts, feelings, and any seemingly random insights can help you see patterns and intuitive nudges more clearly. And physically writing with a pen and paper as opposed to typing activates a lot and can help things flow better. 

Even just writing “blah blah blah I have nothing to write” even though it may sound silly, you would be surprised how it opens the flow. Meditation, exercise, and being in nature are also great ways to connect to your intuition. 

As for timing, a lot of intuitive hits will usually come around 3:00 am or right before you fall asleep or when you first wake up. This is because that is when you are energetically closer to the other side, your higher self and spirit guides. 

A long time ago in some cultures they would go to sleep and then purposefully wake up in the middle of the night and join each other around the fire to help get inspirations. Then they would go back to sleep later. 

Keeping a pen and paper by your bedside can be so helpful. I can't count the number of times I have had something come through and thought “I'll surely remember this in the morning” and in the morning I can't remember it at all. So it is important to get it down somehow. 

I prefer pen and paper because I feel like the light of my phone may make it harder for me to get to sleep or get back to sleep. But it can come with another problem of trying to read my handwriting and figure out what I wrote in the dark that next morning. 🙈😂 So figure out what works best for you but record them somehow!

Remember, intuition is like a muscle! The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. So, begin incorporating these practices and times into your daily life, and watch as the power of your intuition unfolds.

If you would like personalized help with your intuition I have personal intuition coaching available. That info is here:

This intuition audio is helpful in building your intuition and removing blocks energetically:

If you do not know your purpose gift yet a Soul Realignment can be very helpful with intuition, clearing blocks and everything else in your life. That info is here:

Also if you need help deciphering a dream and its specific meaning for you I have a reading for that. That info is here:

5 Common Blocks to Intuition and How to Overcome Them

Intuition is your internal GPS, when it is off it can throw everything else off in your life too. Intuition is a powerful inner guidance system that can lead us toward a life of purpose, fulfillment, and alignment. 

It is just as important as any of our organs but unfortunately is rarely used and even more rarely used to its full capabilities. It is a tool that helps all areas of your life. It is like a muscle and can be purposefully worked on to better your life. 

Despite us all having an intuition there are various factors that can block our ability to tap into our intuition effectively. So I want to help you with any blocks so you can live your best life. 

Today I'm going to go over 5 common intuition blocks and provide practical strategies to overcome them, allowing you to reconnect with your inner wisdom and live your best life.

  1. Overthinking and Analytical Mindset:

One of the main blocks to intuition is an overactive analytical mind. When we constantly analyze and rationalize every decision, we drown out the subtle whispers of our intuition. Overthinking creates noise that obscures our inner guidance, making it difficult to hear or trust

To overcome this block, practice quieting the mind through mindfulness meditation or deep breathing exercises. Engage in activities that promote presence and stillness, such as spending time in nature or practicing creative pursuits like art or journaling. By quieting the analytical mind, you create space for intuition to emerge and guide you.

2. Fear and Doubt:

Fear and doubt are huge blocks to intuition. When we are consumed by fear of the unknown or doubt in our abilities, we second-guess our intuitive insights and hesitate to follow them. This fear-based resistance can prevent us from taking the necessary steps toward growth and fulfillment.

You can grow self-awareness by exploring the underlying fears and limiting beliefs that are blocking your intuition. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that it's natural to experience fear when stepping into the unknown. 

Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with affirmations that affirm your innate wisdom and capability. Know that you always have control over your thoughts, don't let them control you. Trust that your intuition is a guiding light, leading you toward paths of growth and expansion.

3. External Noise and Distractions:

We live in a world filled with constant stimulation and distractions, it's easy to become disconnected from our inner voice. External noise from technology, media, and societal expectations can drown out the subtle whispers of intuition, leaving us feeling lost and disconnected.

To help this create sacred spaces and moments of stillness in your daily life where you can tune out external noise and reconnect with your inner self. Limit exposure to digital devices and spend time in quiet contemplation or reflection. Engage in activities that foster introspection, such as journaling, meditation, or spending time in solitude. By prioritizing moments of inner silence, you can amplify the clarity of your intuitive insights.

4. Emotional Turmoil and Stress:

Emotional turmoil and stress can cloud our intuition, making it challenging to discern between genuine intuitive nudges and reactive impulses driven by fear or anxiety. When we are overwhelmed by emotions, it's easy to lose sight of our inner compass.

To help this be sure to prioritize self-care practices that support emotional well-being, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, and healthy coping mechanisms like journaling or talking to a trusted friend or therapist. Develop a mindfulness practice to cultivate awareness of your emotions without getting swept away by them. By nurturing emotional resilience, you create a clear channel for intuition to flow.

5. Lack of Self-Trust:

Perhaps the most significant block to intuition is a lack of self-trust. When we doubt our worthiness or question our ability to make wise decisions, we diminish the power of our intuition. Without self-trust, it's challenging to believe in the validity of our intuitive insights. Help grow your self-trust by honoring your intuition and acknowledging the times when it has guided you successfully in the past. 

Keep a journal of intuitive experiences and reflect on the outcomes when you've followed your inner guidance. Try to remember that feeling when you got the nudges so you recognize it later and it's easier to trust. Looking back when you wish you would have listened to your intuition can help you remember the feeling so you recognize it better next time. 

It is a practice and becomes better and better. Learn about yourself and how it feels to you when you get those intuitive hits. Looking at past ones you have gotten whether you listened or not is very helpful in that practice. 

Practice self-love and acceptance, recognizing that you are inherently worthy of trust and capable of making choices aligned with your highest good. As you strengthen your self-trust muscle, you empower your intuition to become a reliable compass for navigating life's journey.

Intuition is a natural gift within each of us, offering guidance and wisdom on our path toward alignment and fulfillment. By recognizing and addressing the blocks that inhibit our intuition, we can create space for its voice to emerge clearly and guide us toward our highest potential. 

Through practices of self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-trust, we can overcome these blocks and cultivate a deep connection with our inner wisdom, empowering us to live authentically and in alignment with our soul's purpose.

If you would like personalized help with your intuition I have personal intuition coaching available. That info is here:

This intuition audio is helpful in building your intuition and removing blocks energetically:

If you do not know your purpose gift yet a Soul Realignment can be very helpful with intuition and everything else in your life. That info is here:

The 8 F's to Stay Present and Enhance Your Life

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos of daily life and lose touch with the present moment. However, staying present is essential for finding happiness, connecting with our inner selves, accessing our intuition, and aligning with our soul's purpose. 

By cultivating presence, we can enhance our lives and experience greater clarity, joy, and fulfillment. Happiness can only be found in the present moment. If you can’t be present you can't find happiness and I want happiness for you! So today I want to share eight powerful practices to help you stay present and harness the transformative power of the present moment.

1. Focus:

The first step in staying present is cultivating focus. With countless distractions vying for our attention, it's crucial to develop the ability to direct our attention intentionally. Practice mindful focus by setting clear intentions for your day, week, or even specific activities. 

When engaged in a task, be fully present and immerse yourself in the experience. If your mind starts to wander, gently guide it back to the present moment. By focusing your attention on the task at hand, you bring a sense of clarity, purpose, and presence to your actions.

Sometimes we can get too caught up in our heads but presence requires our physical body since we are in a physical world. So when you feel too much in your head, ground yourself by feeling your feet on the floor. Feel your legs and each part of your body and notice where you are physically in that moment. 

This is especially important for those of us that are spiritual. We tend to be out of our bodies a lot. Being grounded in our bodies can actually be more spiritual than traveling to other astrals. We are full beings so don't leave out your physical self!

2. Flow:

Flow refers to the state of being fully absorbed in an activity, where time seems to fade away, and you experience a deep sense of engagement. When you find yourself in a state of flow, you are inherently present. Identify the activities or pursuits that allow you to enter this state. It could be playing an instrument, painting, writing, or engaging in sports. By intentionally incorporating more flow-inducing activities into your life, you create opportunities to cultivate presence and align with your authentic self.

3. Feel:

To stay present, it's essential to connect with your emotions and be in touch with your inner world. Often, we get caught up in the busyness of life and neglect our emotional well-being. Take time each day to check in with yourself and honor your feelings. Practice self-reflection, journaling, or meditation to explore your emotions and thoughts without judgment. By acknowledging and processing your emotions, you create space for greater presence, self-awareness, and emotional well-being.

Not paying attention to and processing your emotions properly causes you to store them in your body. Then this causes you to over eat, try not to feel, or use substances to get unconscious so you don't have to feel the pain of those feelings. But that unconsciousness itself blocks out happiness. Feeling them and releasing them is the path to happiness. Most of the time it's much less painful than you think. And 100% of the time feeling them now is less painful then keeping them in to ruin and hurt your future self.  

It's way less painful to feel them as they come and release them instead of storing them, constantly feeling them and running from them, and inevitably causing them to come back with a vengeance much worse and usually at the worst possible time.  

So next time a feeling or emotion comes instead of numbing it or trying to hide from it fully feel it and let it out. Cry, scream, punch a pillow or do whatever you need to do to let it out. Sometimes just acknowledging it is all it needs to go away. When you don't acknowledge it, it needs to get louder and worse to get your attention so you do acknowledge it. 

So acknowledge it, feel it deeply, and then let it go so it can't get in your way any longer. When you deeply give into fully feeling it, it gets less powerful like using trigger points on a muscle. 

4. Faith:

Faith plays a significant role in staying present. It involves trusting in the journey of life, surrendering to the present moment, and having faith in yourself and the universe. Cultivate faith by letting go of the need to control every aspect of your life. 

Embrace uncertainty and surrender to the flow of life, knowing that everything unfolds in divine timing. Trust in your intuition and the guidance it provides. By having faith, you release anxiety and resistance, allowing presence and serenity to permeate your life.

5. Five Senses:

Our senses are doorways to the present moment. Engaging with them consciously can help you ground yourself and awaken to the richness of your experience. Take a moment to notice the sensations of touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound around you. Pause and appreciate the texture of an object, savor the flavors in your food, or simply gaze at the beauty of nature. 

By immersing yourself fully in the sensory experience, you can shift your awareness away from the past or future and embrace the present more fully. See everything like it's the first time you can see. See all the colors and all the little details around you. 

Tune in and hear all the sounds around you, not just the most noticeable ones. Smell any smells around you and dive into them fully. 

Feel everything you feel when you touch something or just the cold or heat or sensation of air in your skin. Feel how your clothes feel on your body. Taste everything and notice every different taste and sensation. 

6. Food:

We all have to eat but most people eat unconsciously and aren't present at all. Eating unconsciously enables us to eat more than our body should have, push down and ignore emotions (which as I said earlier will always come back later to bite us) and makes it easier to live unconsciously which of course blocks out true happiness. 

Eating consciously can also help with digestion and nutrient absorption. When you eat, really make that the sole thing you are doing at that moment. Take your time. Breathe in deeply and smell it. feel any warmth or cold coming off of it. Really see all the colors. 

Take small bites and cherish them like it's the only thing you will ever have to eat. Really appreciate it. Feel the textures. Be sure to chew thoroughly before you swallow. A lot of digestion problems are caused solely by not fully chewing your food so your digestive system has to do more work and slows down.

Make food an experience not just something you hurry up to get through. Focus on staying present and not tuning it out. 

7. Feel Gratitude:

Gratitude is a powerful practice that brings your attention to the blessings and beauty in your life. By focusing on what you appreciate in the present moment, you shift your energy from lack to abundance. Take time each day to reflect on what you're grateful for. It could be as simple as a warm cup of tea, having food to eat, a loving relationship, air to breathe, a roof over your head, having legs and arms to use, or the opportunity to pursue your passions. As you cultivate gratitude, you become more attuned to the present moment, recognizing the gifts it holds.

8. Fulfillment:

Living a fulfilling life is intricately connected to staying present. When you engage in activities that align with your values, passions, and purpose, you naturally experience a deep sense of fulfillment. 

Take time to explore what brings you joy and ignites your soul. Identify your passions and purpose, and make conscious choices that support their expression. By aligning your actions with your soul's calling, you infuse every moment with purpose and fulfillment.

If you need help connecting with your soul and knowing and living your purpose I can help you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here:

In conclusion, the 8 F's—Focus, Flow, Feel, Faith, Five Senses, Food, Feel Gratitude and Fulfillment—are powerful tools to cultivate presence and enhance your life. By harnessing these aspects, you can align with your true self, connect with your intuition, and live in alignment with your soul's purpose. 

Embrace each F in your daily practice, whether it's setting clear intentions, immersing yourself in flow-inducing activities, honoring your emotions, surrendering to the present moment, experiencing your senses and food, feeling gratitude, or pursuing a fulfilling life. Remember, staying present is a continuous journey, and by integrating the 8 F's, you empower yourself to live authentically. 

7 Tips To Help With Anxiety 

Anxiety can be so frustrating but it doesn't have to be a permanent battle. Here are some tips to help with anxiety:

  1. Stay Present

Anxiety can only live in the future or the past but not in the present moment. It comes when worrying about something in the future or because you haven't fully processed something that happened in the past. But it cannot live right here in the present moment.

So really be mindful to focus on this present moment and stay grounded. When you start to feel it, focus on your feet and see roots growing from them into the ground. Focus on your senses and on right now. Focus on what you see, feel, hear, smell, and taste right now. 

If you are having trouble grounding in the present moment, say out loud or in your head what you see: a blue couch, brown floor etc. And do that for all your senses for instance: I hear the dishwasher, I smell garlic from dinner etc. Really get yourself into this present moment and know you are okay in this present moment. You are safe. 

2. Fully process everything

Anxiety is a signal telling you about a possible danger. The thing is it's a little outdated from times when we needed that adrenaline and warning to help fight off danger like a tiger. But now it mostly warns us of our worrying thoughts and can make them feel like we have to fight a tiger. 

It also sends the signal to warn us when we haven't fully processed something from the past and that it's causing us trouble. If we don't fully feel or process something from the past it stays in us and just builds up and gets worse until we do. 

So it's so important to fully process and release things and not hold them in so they fester. Feel them fully and cry or scream or do whatever you need to do to get it out. Keeping it in and not facing it is what causes the worst anxiety and pain. 

Even though it may seem scary to fully feel and process whatever it is, in the long run it's so much easier and is less painful. Get it out of you, don't let it continue to build into a bomb inside you. You have the power to release it now, you are stronger than it, know that! 

3. Feel the anxiety fully

At first this may seem counterproductive because understandably all you want to do is numb it and get away from the anxiety feeling, but fully feeling it can actually help. It's like a trigger point on a muscle at first when you press it it hurts worse but after a bit it releases and feels better. 

Allow yourself to feel the anxiety feeling fully. Face it and feel it and again scream or punch a pillow or whatever you need to but feel it so you can release it and release its power over you. 

As I said before it's a warning signal from your body so if you just keep numbing it and ignoring it the signal will get worse and stronger in an effort to warn you. 

So feel that feeling deeply until it starts to release. Acknowledge to your body that you received the warning and it can stop warning you now. Feeling it and releasing it also takes away the power it holds over you and gives you that power back. 

4. Keep in perspective

Sometimes just reminding yourself of the bigger picture can help. Remind yourself that no matter what, you are living someone else's dream right now. Someone else could be dreaming to have food or clean water or to be able to see or walk etc. Focusing on gratitude for what you do have right now no matter how small is helpful.  

5. Let go of trying to control the outcome

Anxiety can creep its head when you are too focused on controlling an outcome. Take the steps needed towards what you want but focusing on trying to control every detail just causes anxiety and can block you from manifesting. 

Set your goals, take the needed steps, then trust that if it is in the highest and best for you it will work out. Plus the universe usually has a much better outcome than you can conceive of so trying to control it only limits you. So really focus on letting go a bit and trusting. 

Do what you can towards your goal and then let go and let the best outcome in. Stressing and trying to control it just pushes it away and creates so much anxiety. Let your spirit guides help you. They can't help if you are so focused on one particular outcome. 

So again take the steps needed then let go. Ask your guides for help and let the highest and best outcome in. Too much control blocks even better from coming through. 

This also goes along with perfectionism and or placing too high expectations on yourself that are impossible to meet, so be mindful of that. Be kind to yourself. We can be the hardest and most critical of ourselves so let go and give yourself some grace! You wouldn't be so critical of everyone else, give yourself that same grace. 

6. Change the feeling to excitement 

Oddly enough anxiety can have the same physical feeling as excitement just with a different underlying thought. So when you are in it, think of something exciting and try to feel that it is an excitement adrenaline spike  you are feeling instead of an anxiety/fear one. 

7. Be who you are at soul level

Living in a way that goes against your purpose and who you are at soul level will send up that anxiety alert as well. This is obviously different for everyone but could start off as staying in a relationship that goes against your purpose and who you are at soul level so your body is trying to help you see it's not right for you. 

Over lifetimes our choices have brought so many of us far from our true soul core. The anxiety is our body's way of telling us something is off and we need to make a change. So look deep and see if it is an alert that you need to align more to your true self. 

With every choice you make, ask yourself if it aligns with your purpose gift. Really get rooted in your true soul and live your purpose. Work on eliminating things that go against your purpose and who you truly are. 

That anxiety alert could just be telling you to get back to your true self so you can be happier and is trying to help you. If you don't know your purpose gift and who you are at a soul level yet I can help you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here:

So overall stay in the present moment, be sure to fully process things so you can get them out of your way, feel into the anxiety to acknowledge it and release it, let go of trying to control every detail and be perfect, change the overriding thought to excitement instead, always keep the bigger picture in perspective, and always take steps to live aligned with your purpose and who you are at soul level in all you do. 

If you would like some more energetic help here is the link to my Anxiety And Stress Relief Energy Clearing Audio:

Why Over Giving Is The Kiss Of Death In Any Relationship

A lot of over-giving blocks have been coming up in my clients' readings lately so I thought it would be helpful to write a bit about it to hopefully prevent some of you from blocking yourselves! 

Over giving seems like a kind thing right? Almost like you'll get extra brownie points from the universe from it. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Those that over give do it from a good place but it actually does more harm than good not only to yourself but those you are over giving to. 

First of all we are here on Earth to experience ourselves and learn about ourselves through our circumstances and relationships all by hopefully using our purpose gifts. When we put ourselves last we are then right away off our intended path on earth and wasting precious earth time. 

Over giving is the kiss of death in relationships so be careful! People may think "I want to make sure I don't lose them so I'm going to go above and beyond to prove I'm worthy." But most actually like the chase and when it's too easy they get bored. Also unconsciously they realize "what is she/he covering up trying so hard." and it pushes them away when they usually don't even know why. 

If they aren't pushed away right away they start to expect that over giving and you will always end up depleted someday, it's not sustainable. They also lose respect for you even if it's not consciously.  And you will start to resent them for not giving as much.

And then the people around you will actually get mad at you when you try to take care of you and stop that pattern. They get mad because they think that was your true self (the over giving) and when you stop it you become the bad guy. 

You are the one changing things up and at some level lying to them and yourself that you could keep it up. This over giving can be in many ways physically, emotionally, mentally, monetarily etc. so keep that in mind. 

Over giving also makes you start attracting narcissists or takers and becomes a vicious cycle. Over giving can stem from insecurities and not feeling good enough in some way so you over give to compensate and make them like you. But you are amazing just as you are and over giving is actually one of the quickest ways to end any relationship. 

I'm not saying not to give, just focus on it being equal give and take. If they aren't giving at all don't you start over giving hoping that will change. If they aren't giving on their end maybe see that as they aren't right for you right now and cut it off. 

Don't let insecurities come out unconsciously and say "they aren't giving because I'm not good enough, let me give more to change that." Remember you are more than good enough for the right person and there's no need to waste time proving that to the wrong person.

Over giving goes against healthy boundaries and just begs to be walked all over. It's ironic because we think we are doing everything to make them happy but it actually does the opposite. 

So be sure you are taking care of yourself first and then you can give from that place. Giving from depletion causes everyone issues. That's how enabling starts and then they become dependent and it stops their growth to learn to do it on their own. 

So many see putting themselves first as selfish which it's not. Don't see it as selfish, see it as regular upkeep. It's like brushing your teeth or taking a shower but for your soul and spirit. You don't see showering or brushing your teeth as selfish right? And when you are filled up you actually have more to give so it's actually selfish to not fill yourself up first! 

So pay attention to your patterns and be sure you aren't blocking yourself by over giving! 

If you need help with this or anything you can get on my schedule for a reading or clearing here:

Why Trying To Manifest Money And Losing Weight At The Same Time Will Block You From Both

First of all, manifesting isn't magic like some people think. It's all about taking the right energetic actions and direct actions towards what you want and being sure to stay true to your purpose and who you are as you do that. 

A lot of times manifesting one thing will take the opposite actions as manifesting another which will only work against each other. It's never advised to try to manifest more than one thing at once. 

That's like trying to go to the bank and the grocery store at the same time you will just spin your wheels and end up going nowhere. This blocks a lot of people because they try to manifest more than one thing at once and get nowhere and start to believe they can't manifest and that belief takes hold and then they can't manifest. It becomes a vicious cycle. 

The key is manifesting the most important thing first then giving it time to stabilize in your life and then work on manifesting the next thing. And most of the time manifesting the one thing actually causes the other to manifest automatically too. So in the bank/ grocery store scenario going to the bank first will help with buying the groceries but both at once can't happen. So it's very important to only work on manifesting one thing at once or you will never get there.  

Just like everything manifesting is all about energy. At the core level everything and everyone is made up of the same energy from you, to a rock, to a book, to the stars. When you use opposing energies you block what you want and when you use the right energies it pushes you towards what you want. It's about knowing the difference and only choosing the right energies. 

So when it comes to manifesting money the energies are all about more, abundance, etc. But when you are trying to lose weight it's all about less, restriction etc. So taking one action towards losing weight is actually taking an action against manifesting more money and vice versa. So if you keep trying for both you will just keep working against each of them and won't get anywhere. So again choose what is more important to you and start there! 

But be careful not to just say you want to manifest one thing and not actively take energetic and direct actions towards it because you will get nowhere. Focus on the energies that align with your goal and be streamlined about it! 

So if you have been circling your wheels going nowhere trying to diet and manifest money at the same time you now know why! So make a few changes and you will be on your way! Happy manifesting! 💜

If you'd like specific help manifesting based on your unique personal manifesting code I'd recommend a Manifesting Blueprint Reading. That info is here:

And knowing who you are at soul level and what your purpose gift is, is vital not only in manifesting but in anything in life. If you don't know that yet I can find out for you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here: